Friday, March 9, 2012

When Surrogates Override the DNR : A Terrific Geriatrics and Palliative Care Teaching Video

I came across this excellent post on the GeriPal Blog.  
It includes a video  that would be very helpful for teaching. -- Nancy

"I'd like to draw GeriPal readers' attention to a terrific article from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society called, "When Doctors and Daughters Disagree: Twenty-two Days and Two Blinks of an Eye."  The paper is by Peter Abadir, Tom Finucane, and Matthew McNabney (Hopkins).

While I'm sure this paper is of great interest to ethicisits, clinicians, and researchers, my primary motivation for blogging about it is the potential for use as a teaching tool. The free availability of the video of the daughters recounting their experiences, emotions, and thoughts is such a compelling portrayal of the emotional and ethical complexities of the case.  And you won't lose the forest for the trees.  The primary teaching point - that family should be involved in advance care conversations - is made clearly by the daughter in the video."     Read More ...